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Healthy, established lawns improve the look and feel of community spaces. Open green spaces in parks and fields enhance the quality of life for community members and visitors.


The aesthetic benefits of grass include enhanced beauty and attractiveness. It offers a complementary relationship to the total landscape ecosystem of flowers, shrubs, and trees.

Grass improves public health

When people are surrounded by greenery, they experience improved mental health with a positive therapeutic impact, social harmony, and stability. Lawns and exposure to natural outdoor greenery can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, improve attention, and increase feelings of happiness and serenity. They demonstrate improved work productivity and an overall better quality-of-life, especially in densely populated urban areas.

People in Park
City Center

Grass reduces noise

Noise is absorbed by grass areas which cuts down on excessive sound, a growing problem in tighter cities and neighborhoods. It also reduces glare and visual pollution problems.

Grass is safer

Grass is safer to play on, which is critical for public fields, schoolyards, and spaces where children jump and tumble. A natural groundcover, turfgrass ensures our bodies are in good hands. Research demonstrates that natural grass prevents injuries while also enhancing our health.


Research published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine discovered 16% more lower body injuries on synthetic turf than on natural grass among elite NFL athletes. If all NFL games played on synthetic turf were played on turfgrass during the study period, 319 fewer lower body injuries would be expected.

Man Mowing Lawn

Grass is economical

For all of these added benefits, you would expect turfgrass to come at a higher price than its alternatives. But it’s quite the opposite. Even including maintenance, turfgrass is consistently lower priced than synthetic turf, making its installations in our cherished public spaces a practical no-brainer.

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